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.Monday, March 16, 2009 ' Monday, March 16, 2009
HEY! I finally remembered my logins and stuff, hence this post to sum up my life so far.

OKAY fusion was awesome, Planetshakers shook the planet (or acsi at least).
Emu bit me...ow.

Had drill like forever and ever. Now I have sixteen, sixteen, sixteen stuck in my head. Oh damn.

And...I missed out on going to the zoo cuz I went to my grandma's house (so glam). Actually her house is cool, good food (:

Bandage rocked!!! xD Mg came in second!! (: So congrats to Fire Flies in Motion and good job to AHOY! Butternuts. Oh ivan, thanks for dinner...my friends arn't gonna pay you back. Yo.

NOW I'm uber bored. Was reduced to playing truth or truth with dom, but it got old (: Btw, truth or truth is not gay.

Emu, yes I love you too.

Laura, I wanna go to your house to play guitar hero.

Agnes, you big boofhead

Cara, are you done typing....yeah I am....word

Say it in ah lian
Byez Byez!!!!!!! I lub lub chu!!! <3<3

Eeeh! Awright SELL!

keep it orange.

.Tuesday, February 03, 2009 ' Tuesday, February 03, 2009



Do you get it???? xD

Cuz I did, and I was laughing like shit. Wtp.

Today was uber weird, Daniele and Agnes were writing this story, it was kinda like Agnes's biography.

Quote from the story:

"Aggy was so annoyed that her darling CW had a certain LY on his lap, so she whipped of her bra and strangled LY to death with it."

Refer to the above image.

I needed to go into the general office for some stuff, yeah, so I kinda pulled the handle case of the door and I had trouble putting it back on..

McDonald's people seriously need to be more observant. They couldn't see me making desperate gestures at them, all I wanted to do was order man....(:
Anyway when one of them saw me, HE SPOKE TO ME IN CHINESE!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN!! Then I said "HUH?" and then that dope said "oh, sorry are you korean?" I'M NOT! Holy sushi yo...


keep it orange.

.Wednesday, January 14, 2009 ' Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Damn I feel GAY today!

No seriously I do

So, I had TPC today (: it wasn't bad at all (Mrs Hor is uber nice)

Had GB, forgot my tie...oops

Yeah know what, i'm gonna do a quiz i found on the internet.

Next time I wanna blog.
I feel horrible yo.....

keep it orange.

.Monday, January 05, 2009 ' Monday, January 05, 2009

The anatomy of botox, everything seems to be lifted, including the glutious maximus (bum la).

Dom: It makes your skin stretchy...DON'T DO IT!!! THAT THING RUINED MY LIFE!!

Okay dom didn't have botox.

The point is, if you have botox, hun...you need help
Okay no YOU DON'T! (:

Recently i've been addicted to "tell me something i don't know"
Selena Gomez fever!

Emu! Emu!
I love me too!
Oh and you of course(:

If i didn't love me, God won't be happy (:
So i'm NOT an ego butt!! YAY!

Oh and happy 4 day late birthday gab(:

keep it orange.

.Tuesday, December 30, 2008 ' Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hahaha went to Laura's house to play guitar hero (which i really suck at by the way)
They should have Mickey on that.
ANYWAY someone -coughjustincough- was late.
When he walked through the door Ryan was like "Hey-ya pimple face."
We had the sickest lunch ever...Lauren...dude.
She started asking like stuff that should not be asked during lunch.
To make it worse Justin said something in tamil which, of course, Lauren wanted to understand.
Anyway, then we played shrek...i was shrek.
Joshy-boy(fiona) kept kicking me!
Then we did mass suicide(in the game)
And so the day ended (:

Whoaaaaaaah we're half way there!
Whoaaaaaaah livin' on a prayer!
Take my hand
We'll make it I swear
Whoaaaaaaah livin' on a prayer!


keep it orange.

.Sunday, December 21, 2008 ' Sunday, December 21, 2008
Have you ever had one of those days where you wish you could just run around naked and no one would care?
I hope not (:

Today I woke up an heard my dad say, "Matthew, put your pants back on!"
That's not normal

I love you Agatha! Thanks for the chocs aye
SUNDAY! Agatha was on a Chuney rampage, she was like
Chuney if you just happen to read this, run, run fast!

Went to Fongs house for a christmas party yesterday. Played guitar hero like the whole time (:

GOOD NEWS! Christmas is coming! I'm gonna give out christmas cards which i have yet to make D:

OHOH and guess what?! MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB :D


keep it orange.

.Thursday, December 04, 2008 ' Thursday, December 04, 2008
YOWZA! tagged by laura!

1. Do you have secrets?chyeah.
2. What if you fall in front of the whole school?i'd laugh like alot (:.
3. Do you enjoy going to school?duh....
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?bank it!.
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?already am (:
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?both hun.
7. List out your 15 favourite songs:in no apparent order..
1) my heart - paramore
2) rewind - paramore
3) decode - paramore
4) dear maria - all time low
5) lust be a lady - a kidnap in colour
6) the rumours are flying - a kidnap in colour
7) black cat - mayday parade
8) six feet under the stars - all time low
9) when i get home you're so dead - mayday parade
10) that's what you get - paramore
11) emergency - paramore
12) check yes juliet - we the kings
13) fences - paramore
14) whoa oh - forever the sickest kids
15) pressure - paramore
Sheesh that's alot of paramore 0___________0
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?who knows (:
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?oh yah (:
10. What makes you angry?gee not sure yo....
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?the queen of england (: i dream big
12. Do you hate people that bullies your friends or loved ones?hate is a terribly strong word.
13. What are the most important things in life?God, friends, family etc (x
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor? right now? single and rich
15. What is your favourite colour?ORANGE! hence the blog colour
16. Would you give all in a relationship?say wha?
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?THREESOME! okay eww
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?yup siree bob i'd forgive them, kinda hard to forget though but i will try (:.
19. What do you want to tell the someone you like?i like you, duh
20. 5 people I have tagged:
1) cara ooh ooh pick me!
2) chris the great!
3) laura a good name to fill the blank :D
4) lexy i don't think she's done this one (:
5) britney spears now that would be cool.

keep it orange.

.Wednesday, December 03, 2008 ' Wednesday, December 03, 2008
with Laura and Nat.
We watched that teen flick with Emma Roberts and stuff. It was so-so...it's your typical teen flick basically and after the show Nat and Laura started saying byotch...what the pong does that that mean? Yeah then it started raining like hell but I got a ride home (: appreciate that. YEAH! so recently everyone has been going for holidays...lucky thangs...can't wait for mine xD

AWRIGHT! I shall list out my top 10 favourite songs in no exact order:
  1. That's What You Get
  2. My Heart
  3. Dear Maria
  4. When I Get Home You're So Dead
  5. Six Feet Under The Stars
  6. Rewind
  7. Decode
  8. Lust Be A Lady
  9. The Rumours Are Flying
  10. Check Yes Juliet

YUPP so that the update from my world :D


keep it orange.

.Sunday, November 23, 2008 ' Sunday, November 23, 2008
The person hu tagged u was?
Your relationship with her was?
My friend (:
Your fifth impression of her?
Hah? Uhm she likes pink(:
The most memorable thing she did for you?
Gee can't remember...be my friend:D
If she becomes ur lover, u would?
Well technically she'd be my lover, so i'd have to lover her right?
If she becomes your lover, she needs to improve on?
IF she becomes my lover.
If she becomes your enemy, you would?
The most desired thing you want for her to be?
I think this is phrased wrong.
Your overall impression of her?
Spunkeh and Rockin'
How do you think others would think of you?
I think they think that I don't think(:
The characters you love about yourself?
Shouldn't that be characteristics?0__0 dunno
The characters you hate about yourself?
I love me they way I are (:
The most ideal person you wanna be?
ME yo!

For people that care & love you, what would you wanna say to them?i love you too and thanks for loving me?Pass this quiz on to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you:

2. Abu!!!
3. Aggy!!!
4. Emu!!!
5. Kia Nic!!!
6. Ivan!!
7. Miriam!!
8. Lexy!!!(though i don't think she'd do it again)
9. Gab!!
10. Dom!!
Who is 6 having a relationship with? (ivan)
PARAMORE though it's a one sided thing
Is number 9 a female or a male? (gab)
She's a male (: okay he's a male
If number 7 & 10 are together , would it be good? (dom & miriam)
It could happen (: it's just a tad hard to picture
What is number 2 studying about? (abu)
She studies?
What kind of music genre does number 8 like?(lexy)
Uhm alot?
Does number 1 have siblings? (daniele!)
Would you woo number 3? (aggy)
How about number 7? (miriam)
Iz number 4 single? (emu)
Currently yes (:
Wad's the surname of number 5? (kia nic)
What is the hobby of number 10? (dom)
He says he likes comics
Does number 5 & 9 get along? (gab & kia nic)
Yeah I suppose they do (:
Where iz number 2 studying at? (abu)
When was the last time u chatted with number 3? (aggy)
2 days ago?
Talk something casually about number 1 (daniele!)
Have you tried developing feelings for number 8? (lexy)
Eeh NO!
Where does number 9 live? (gab)
Beside a hill
What colour does number 4 like? (emu)
Are number 1 & 5 best friends? (daniele! & kia nic)
They don't know each other
Does number 1 have any pet? (daniele!)
Her brother
Is number 6 the sexiest person in the world? (ivan)
Who? Ivan? PFFFT. If I said yes? D: okay i wouldn't know
What is number 10 doing now? (dom)
What do you think he's doing?(:


keep it orange.

.Friday, November 14, 2008 ' Friday, November 14, 2008
YESTERDAY YESTERDAY I WENT TO DANIELE'S HOUSE! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Elle i like your tab, should you get bored of it, give it to me ;) Hehe...RIGHTO! Going to Elle's house is AWESOME! But you'd start missing your family even though it's the same house(BIGhouse). The floor was cool too!!!! It's so smooth you can stand on it and just slip(i'm serious). YEAH me and Laura(Laura and I) were lying on our backs spinning around! We also found out that spinning on your bum is so much easier. EMU SAT ON ME! I'm not implying that she's heavy or anything but Emu if you're reading this don't worry i'm glad it wasn't xxxxxx (: i'd have died.

A Kidnap In Colour- The rumors are flying


keep it orange.

listen and love

Music code.
My Number One New Day


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